Infection control statement

Mission statement infection prevention & control

At Castle Partnership, the safety and health of our patients, carers and visitors are very important to us. To protect you and your family, and to ensure a safe working environment for all our staff, our infection prevention and control policies and procedures are evidence based, using best practice guidelines. We feel that preventing and controlling infection is everybody’s responsibility. Therefore, we aim to promote an ethos of reducing the risk of acquiring and transmitting infection by:

  • Education of staff
  • Provision of clinical advice to service users
  • Audit of procedures and environment
  • Surveillance

Infection and control annual statement purpose

This annual statement will be generated in September each year for the previous year. It will summarise:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our significant event procedure)
  • Details of any infection prevention and control audits undertaken and actions undertaken
  • Details of staff training
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines


The link practitioner for infection, prevention and control for Castle Partnership is quality manager Laura Soanes, supported by the health and safety facilitator Kevin Wright, the partners and other members of the practice team.

All of the practice nurses keep updated on infection and prevention control.

Kevin shares necessary information with the team and service users.

Significant events

There have been no recent significant events.


An infection prevention and control audit was completed.

Risk assessments

Risk assessments are to be carried out so best practice can be established and then followed. Cleaning specifications, frequencies and cleaning schedules are to be firmly established and then followed. No problems were identified in this year’s cleaning audit though subsequently a problem with dead insects in ceiling lights was noted and corrected. Procedures are being revised to ensure cleaning specifications and frequencies are adequate for a general practice environment.

Staff training

All staff keep updated on infection and prevention control by online training and are aware of the importance of hand hygiene, appropriate dress and washing of uniforms and the sickness policy.

Policies, procedures and guidelines

Policies relating to infection prevention and control are reviewed and are all amended on an ongoing basis as current advice, guidance and legislation changes.