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Travel clinic

The Castle partnership is now able to offer its patients an up to date and reliable travel service. This includes travel advice, vaccines that are generally available within the scope of the NHS e.g. tetanus, diphtheria , polio, hepatitis A and Typhoid, as well as vaccines that are not available free on the NHS e.g. Japanese B encephalitis, Rabies and private prescription for malaria chemoprophylaxis. Please note for these vaccines, there will be a non-NHS services charge.

We are also a registered Yellow Fever Center, so we are able to offer this vaccination and assistance with I.C.V.P queries.

We generally require 8 weeks notice before travel, but we do understand at times urgent short notice travel may happen so please contact the surgery for an appointment and wherever possible we will try to help you.

The travel services are offered for all Gurney patients and Tuckswood patients from the Mile End Road branch surgery. We also offer some Saturday appointments.